The Lycée Français Alexandre Yersin is :
More than 1,100 students from kindergarten to the end of secondary school,
This establishment in Hanoi (Vietnam) was opened in 1982,
A school managed directly by the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE),
98% success rate in the diplôme national du brevet,
100% success rate in the baccalauréat,
A building inaugurated in 2018,
A management team of over 150 people,
A recognised presence on the Vietnamese landscape.
This is a directly managed school (EGD)
The EGDs are decentralised departments of the AEFE. They have a secondary authorising officer, the headmaster, a secretary general and a secondary accounting officer. They are components of the public establishment and their budget is aggregated each year with that of theAEFE. The Agency grants them subsidies and pays the permanent staff who work there.